
Glamour, fetish, modern pin-up girl.

mercredi, décembre 29, 2004

Photography by Andrew Kaiser

Photography by Andrew Kaiser, originally uploaded by netmichelle.

Were you all naughty or nice all year?

I had a suprise present, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy was thrown into my lap. I worked on a type of brain cancer when I was a vaccine formulist, and the exact same tumor is killing a neighbor of mine's girlfriend. She was in remission they got the puppy then she got headaches again and then the MRI confirmed it. The cancer was back again. Very sad. It is a short rotation on the record player, things come around again. Over and over.

vendredi, décembre 24, 2004

this is an audio post - click to play

mardi, décembre 21, 2004

Yeah, this is what I have been looking at on my birthday...nasty girl girl porn

photography by Tom Henderson

photography by Tom Henderson, originally uploaded by netmichelle.

lundi, décembre 20, 2004

Shaving my head

Yeah, I am doing this super hot shoot planned for around AVN time in Vegas with a photographer I have worked with a lot. It involves a Playboy Playmate, uh...yummy! Can't say details, but it is going to be cool. Guess I will be wearing wigs for awhile, but hey, those black sisters of mine have got it going on. Perfect hair 24/7? Yep! I am so there.

more mushy prose, musings

Understood. I am this big soupy mix of feelings and passions and I like it. THE REASON WHY I WANT TO BE WITH YOU AFTERWARDS IS THAT I WANT TO DIGEST EVERYTHING AND FEEL YOU EVEN MORE INTENSELY, (ooops caps lock, sorry.) I want to see you, maybe it is a reflexive instinct, should I find a reason to push you away, or to fall deeper, or more intensely to where I have no control, which is ultimately good. (yes/no?) I need an outlet these churning feelings are driving me nuts...or should I cap them like fireflies in a jar and watch them find the invisible walls of no way out. Profound? no, but I do like to imagine. I draw outside the lines. I don't mind. You know me.

And now you are asleep, and I sit here, knowing the real you behind the caustic abrasive wit. I know you because you are like me. Or are we different? I have not tasted you enough to know. Did I become a crazy woman, because I half-felt something that could be construed as nothing...did I imagine it all? am I adding frosting to something that has melted? I am thinking too much, and not enough, I have slipped, fallen but I enjoy the support of the concrete. When I go to sleep I will think of the weight of the air as you. A sea of questionmarks, and an ocean of my own making. I am lost but I am found. Claim me.

mercredi, décembre 15, 2004

Just back from Vegas baby

Oh yeah, and I reek of ciggies. What would Vegas do without it's ashtrays and vats of ethanol?

I did some insanely good work with a photog out there, and picked up a CD of other images. Another update is going to occur, if I can get through my hurdles in a timely fashion, there shall be stereophonic visuals for all of your paid members of my site. Oh yeah, I am shooting super hot kinky monkey BJ action at the end of the month. Better lose your mind now. I cannot help you later. LOL. OooOOoooOoo almost forgot: shooting with a Plyboy bunny for an erotic fetish watersport shoot in Jan during AVN. Suprise. No, I will not. No, you must wait and see. Ha-ha!

dimanche, décembre 12, 2004

Photography by Tom Henderson

, originally uploaded by netmichelle.

Sensitive little love note. Yes I have a sweet side.

Can you wear (deleted) I got it bad. It is like I can smell you, I close my eyes and feel you. I want to....hmmmmm....mmmmmm......feel you press against me. I like the weight of you pushing up next to me. Spooning. Relaxing. Feeling. Knowing.


I am going to sleep and I am going to think about you laying on top of me, pressing into me, and making me feel complete. Well, it should drive you nuts that the emotion is real. It drives me nuts right now. Makes me feel bittersweet about leaving. Okay enough of that. (deep breaths) Why do I feel like I have a stone in my throat and like my forearms feel like dead weights dripped in orange acid when I type this. You are the only reason why I have been checking my e-mail as of late, and why I smile to myself when I stop at red lights in my car.

Yeah, but you aren't perfect. Don't worry. No obession. You spent way too much time at DATY, you could slam me a little harder with my legs over my head in Mish, you could grab my hair and kiss me, and hold me really tight. You could look at me deep in my eyes and do nothing, while you pin me down with your hands on mine, then don't kiss me, but breathe very slowly all over me.

Everyone leaves. That is the beauty. It is fun and then, it is over. Right? I know. It is easy when we forget and hard when we remember. May I never remember, may I never forget. I wrote that last sentence on my wall after my building burned down. It makes the most sense. It is sometimes after all that I have been through...all that I know by heart.

It is easier being alone. I like the fact that people can't hurt me. But that is so easy and safe. I prefer the (deleted) edge. Show me you blade and I will show you worlds you have never dreamed of. Then *poof* I will be gone. Like a comet I will come around again. I wish I had a center. A gravitational pull. Till then, I am in orbit. Floating.

vendredi, décembre 10, 2004

Photography by Tom Henderson

Photography by Tom Henderson, originally uploaded by netmichelle.

Fan Mail: Love and Hate on same day / hours apart

   After reading your post in regard to your tryst with BeBeDoll,I have come to one conclusion. You are very scary!
   Legend has it, that when God created woman, Saint Peter was present as his assistant. As God was fashioning her vagina he asked Peter to hand him ten extrasensory nerves. "My Lord" Peter replied. I suggest you rethink this number! "These are the most powerful weapons in your arsenal and they are the one's that will insure that mankind procreates and populates the earth with children, wrought in your image!" God thought about this for a minute, and then he said to Saint Peter. "You're right!" "Give me twenty!" "I want her to scream my name when they kick in!"
  Bottom line dear, I thing El Supremo had a hangover when he created you. I think every neural grid in your entire body terminates at your pussy! I have been a very lucky individual in my life, and I have been with some woman whom I have deemed to be insatiable, but, after being a member of (deleted) for (deleted) months, I'm convinced that you are the quintessential Sine Qua Non of a pure sexual being. I've always thought I was the horniest being on the planet. You put me to shame! If sex alone would provide you with the necessary elements to support life, there is no doubt in my mind that you would eschew all other means of sustenance. I am truly in awe of your sexuality. God bless you, and that is no small praise, coming from an agnostic!
                                           Faithfully TER,
P.S. Your body art is intoxicating!

i am extremely disappointed with you, (deleted)
am also very upset, after reading your inexcusable diatribe on
(deleted) attacking (deleted) (among others). Whoever else hurt you,
(deleted) is certainly not to be blamed for your behavior or your
decisions.  Nor can she really be blamed for not satisfying your
needs or hidden agenda.

When you and I last spoke, I told you quite clearly that I sent you
home because you were the problem, not her. You were the problem
because you brought emotional baggage on that trip and had a
private agenda, to which neither (deleted) nor I were privy nor players.
If you felt hurt & pain from this encounter, you should have dealt
with it privately, not in a public forum.  The only benifit there
is self-serving.

Curiously, both she and I independently apologized for any pain we
might have caused you.  Yet, I did not receive an apology from you
for nearly torpedoing my holiday.

did I make a mistake in befriending you, (deleted)I thought that
you had more integrity and character then this; but without an
apology to her, you should not count on my friendship in the

I apologize for nothing. If friendships are this tenuous and require demanded apologies like faked orgasms then this friendship will easily break in the future. I tell it how I see it. I am climbing this mountain and if you don't like what I write about then don't click on it.

lundi, décembre 06, 2004

photography by Tom Henderson

, originally uploaded by netmichelle.

Things are picking up speed before I leave at the end of the year. I feel redemption. I feel a stirring in my senses. I feel alive.

I just got back from San Diego and Long Beach and I worked with a bunch of photographers. The work is stunning. for those of you that are members, hold on, I will update with new images. this one is a sneak peak! You like? Heh-heh. Just wait and see. I will blow your mind.