lundi, décembre 06, 2004

photography by Tom Henderson

, originally uploaded by netmichelle.

Things are picking up speed before I leave at the end of the year. I feel redemption. I feel a stirring in my senses. I feel alive.

I just got back from San Diego and Long Beach and I worked with a bunch of photographers. The work is stunning. for those of you that are members, hold on, I will update with new images. this one is a sneak peak! You like? Heh-heh. Just wait and see. I will blow your mind.


Anonymous said...

You are stunning Michelle...a natural beauty. I look forward to seeing you again soon. Travel safe

Sojourner7 ;-)

7:11 PM  
Zinaval said...

What a lovely, elegant picture! Thanks for sharing that!

3:43 PM  

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