jeudi, septembre 16, 2004

Don't forget, I have all copyrights on the "O" in whore. I am not shutting down business.

Dear Michelle,

The Erotic Review without eroticism is breathing wihtout air. How can nueral electrons promote to a higher energy state without energy INPUT?

BUTTERFLY emerging from cocoon (

Conceptual knowledge; not knowing, a passive desire.

A choice (

Sad I am for the state of things.

Trust me, me too. I will still write on my blog, perhaps even better stuff, more honest, more edgy than what I have been writing there. I am still escorting, you can you know, meet me and touch me in the flesh. It won't kill ya.


Anonymous said...

It's me anonymous LJ. I'm pissed that I can only commicate with you now through your blog. "Blog!" Ugh, it sounds too muddy. I'm so jaded that part of me can't help but think "what a terrific marketing move." I thought that for a sec but I know you aren't manipulative that way and that you just have good instincts. You like words. I hate words. I want to meet you so I can make pictures.

Like bird feet on your shoulder.

12:12 AM  
netmichelle said...

Aha! Well, if it is marketing, it was a blunder. Are you an OMP photographer or just a pervy long lens afficianado of the dark side? No matter. Is your work on the net somewhere whare I can see it?

1:52 AM  
netmichelle said...

Aha! Well, if it is marketing, it was a blunder. Are you an OMP photographer or just a pervy long lens afficianado of the dark side? No matter. Is your work on the net somewhere where I can see it?

1:52 AM  

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