
Glamour, fetish, modern pin-up girl.

samedi, octobre 02, 2004

Giving You the Eye

Giving You the Eye, originally uploaded by netmichelle.

I absolutely love this photo. It sums me up completely.


At 4:34 PM, Zinaval said...

Dearest Michelle:

I don't know that a single photo will ever sum you up, but I do love this one also. The single, eye peering beneath the canopy of your hair and the jungle scene of your ink, with the other eye hidden. One wonders about the wildlife lurking in that jungle. What erotic fantasies you can evoke! What powerful poetry.


At 4:24 PM, Anonymous said...

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At 6:15 PM, Anonymous said...

I see that my favorite eye is peering out at the world. Mine has dreads.

Oh, to have ten or twelve hours, canvas, paints and you! I know, I know I had my chance, but you cant blame a person for wanting more.

To do a degas bather in tub with a netty tat, and my color would be heaven.

At 12:12 AM, Anonymous said...

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At 5:11 PM, LilyJune said...

Michelle, I love that pose and your vulnerable expression.

At 2:20 AM, Zinaval said...

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