vendredi, octobre 29, 2004

The bush got whacked

You will be happy to know that I am getting a HAIRCUT and yes I did shower after 2 days, however I am intrigued with the hair growing under my armpit. Maybe George Clooney was onto something.

Yep, you guessed it. I am revamping my website. Nope, it isn't done yet. Very cool looking.

Just got back from...One of those whirlwind trips where I think I left vaginal epithelial cells in 2 new England states, and left several broken hearts. Typical.

One of the encounters was with someone younger than me. This is pretty rare. I was pretty flummoxed when I opened the door. I kept thinking cop, but he was getting a freebie (contest winner) so, I tried to calm down. I proceeded to rock his world. (Evil grins).

Met super fun new client and visited the regulars. I wish they all could meet each other. Maybe I will have a party. If I had to pick just one, I couldn't do it. Some may call me a slut; technically I am a polyamourous chick that likes her lifestyle. Purrrrr...


Just got the sexy haircut. Am I the only girl that goes to her hairdresser without underwear and leaves a big tip? Don't worry, I didn't shave below...


Zinaval said...

Bush didn't get whacked yet, Michelle. Still four days to the election, but I like the metaphor.

I have to work all the way till Tuesday, when I'm at Democratic HQ the whole day. I wish I could sleep till then...


8:41 PM  

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