mardi, janvier 11, 2005

Photography by Richard Faverty

Photography by Richard Faverty, originally uploaded by netmichelle.


Anonymous said...

Wow! those eyes say it all!

So I see the tat is growing? Wow again.

Great pleasure and luck on your tour


9:16 AM  
Anonymous said...

sorry to see the tattoo has grown as I thought it was perfect as it was. even with a shaved head you are sexy

9:36 AM  
Anonymous said...

Wow is it just me or is that picture of you with a shaved head incredibly sexy, well, if anyone could pull of a shaved head it's you- you look amazing
- Walker

6:22 PM  
Blogger Admin said...

Hi Nettie. I much prefer the pic that shows you eyes.

Please visit my blog at

I think you will find it interesting ;). If not, and you think this is spam then please just delete it.

4:27 PM  

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